Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Break

My easter break was fantastic. I went to Spain and France. I visited Karen at Nice, Mandy and Denise at Barcelona and Thel at Bordeaux.. I'm so in love with their place..Swiss is like how boring.. Everything is so generic.. Just H&M here.. There even carrefour has more choices lor.. I miss the food and my friends the most. I tried mussels and fries buffet at Nice, Paellas at Nice and Barcelona, Tapas at Madrid.. Tortilla (Spanish omelette) tasted like eggs with big onions, Calamari wrapped in bread was awesome! Rabbit tasted like chicken, I have yet tried horse.. Baguette, crepes, duck confeti made me fall in love with France.. Beef tartar in Paris tasted like salmon .. Sangria was good, beer with lemon taste interesting too.. Wine tasting at bordueax made me feel serene.. Overall the trip was fantastic!! I want to go find them again during my weekends!!! Can't wait.. I miss my baguette at bodeaux and have to visit st emillion next time round... And Visit the museums at barcelona.. School starts on monday again..

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