Sunday, September 6, 2009

exported to wordpress

Since blogger has been quite slow and down. I've switched to wordpress. Sry for the change

here's the new link:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

back in Suisse

yay! After 2 weeks of travelling, I'm back! I will start packing tmr and upload some pictures k.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm gald it over

Before I sat foot in Bern, I was excited of what it has for me. Everyone told me how exciting exchange life would be. Alot told me it has changed their lives. I was excited to see the awesome views of Switzerland. I was wondering how life was overseas. I was excited to join the programmes they sent to us by mail. I was okay with bread and potatoes everyday. I think I'm not a picky eater. I know things will be more expensive so there is nothing to complain. If I want cheaper stuff I would have chosen China or India or even msia.
When I reach Bern, communication was a problem. I was prepared to learn and hopefully cope with it. I did not miss Singapore food at all. School was alright. The websites are in German. There was alot of google translate to be done. I met the Singaporean exchange students. I met Koreans and the Chinese. There were not much Swiss since there is no need for them to be in an exchange in their own country. There was many chores to be done. Emptying the dustbins, cook, laundry and supermarketing. I met all types of people in this exchange. It was like orientation all over again. Commonly they are people that are childish, stubborn and naggy. Most common ones are people that love to compare. Sometimes I don't see the point of coming for exchange and compare. O well.... I have to say I might compare stuff too and might not have noticed it. I never felt hungry. There was food all the time. I don't miss sinapore food with all the mixes and steamboat. I have to say i never had so much steamboat in my life. It's worse than Korea. SO please no steamboat gathering for a while. And Its always Spicy stamboat. However, this time round there is no Fiona or yuki. I have to bite this off and endure for the whole term. I have to say I cant't wait for school to be over and leaving Bern. I can't wait for my next travelling trip. Well, I must say Easter changed my life. Bordeaux changed my life. I always thought that French are arrogant bunch of people. Around 2 weeks in Bordeaux changed my exchange life. That place is what I call exchange. I had awesome french food, pasta, bee hoon and mexician food. I have choices. I can choose what I want and if I want it or not. I can have things I like. There are not much sights in Bordeaux and Domofrance is not near town. But there was friends. People that know how to have fun. Not Frank and his dog. It can be at domofrance, gambetta or hotel de ville. There was someone that I could communicate with. Even people watching with a cup of coffee at hotel de ville is awesome. The people were not fake, no one is there to take advanatage of you, acting stupid (but i have to say it has its advantages, if i had the choice I rather be stupid. People will cook for you, invite you to dinners, let you have a larger portion of steak since you never had one or even write your resumes) I guess ignorance is bliss. ok back to BEM. That was the highlight of my exchange. I feel closer with Bemese than Bern peeps. School wasn't easy in Bern. It was hard shit. So, please stop saying I was there for fun. You should have attend French classes. Prof have typos in their presentation slides. I can't wait for class to be over everyday. Even the students does not mingle with us in Bern. I went for 2 classes in BEM. I met so many people. After class floormates at tcharnagut was a pain in butt. I have no idea why someone who do not clean the dishes complain that asaians don't do the dishes and the constant chanting of disposal of beer cans. I don't drink beer for pete's sake! I'm so thankful the swiss floormate nonsense is all over. I'm so thankful the sua kuism is all over. I'm so thankful the whining is all over. I'm so thankful the complain that my country is cheaper is all over. Now I'm on my grad trip. It is tiring but with no one on my back. Drinks under the umbrella and people watching, writing postcards, food tasting and map reading.
I have learnt one thing from my exchange. The song that kept playing on MTV. Poker face kept reminding me what I have to do in Bern. If I can learn that everyone will be a friend and not a foe. I have to say I miss my friends. I miss all their crap. I miss how real they are. I have so many things to bitch to them about. But I think my euro trip might make forget about how bitchy school was. But if I had the chance I will want to go for exchange again. This time time round everything will be different.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Guess who I saw having pizza at venice.. hahhahah.. The world is so small wor..

Remember this bag? I saw this bag in Macau.. It has been my wallpaper ever since.. Chloe was saying guys put cars on their wallpaper.. I put bags.. hahaha! I went to outlet mall today.. I wasn't planning to buy anything expensive cause I thought I have no idea how much these bags cost.. I saw this bag.. this exact bag.. I was so pissed.. why let me see this comes in alot of colours.. BUT it was bloody 650 euro after discount... apparently its made of calf skin.. aww man.... why why let me see.. make me so dui.. sians... Then this girl that was there also using this bag.. I so sian.. so ex.. maybe next time bah... hahahha!


I cannot even live with you what makes you think i can travel with you? I'm not working .. stop asking me to pay for you...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

From young till now....

Oh man.. gimme a break will ya...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Angels and demons

I watched my first and last show at Westside on monday after my exams. That place a really empty. Although its like the only shopping centre here in Bern. Maybe cause it's no at Bern city centre. Watched Angels and Demon. Interesting show but I like national treasures and da vinci code better. O well, my prof is trying to be a demon for asking to rewrite my essay. This school is really a pain. Can't they just give us a break. Will update again. Essay time

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I can't wait for christmas to come.. bright lights.. christmas songs.. huge christmas tree at taka..dinner with peeps... everyone happy walking down the street... Thats christmas

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mixed fellings

Going back soon.. Having mixed feelings... I think it`s normal for everyone to have mixed feelings... One part of me can`t wait to leave this old town... Another part of me want to stay longer so i can go to eastern Europe... Peer pressure i guess.. I have to go back and work.. they go back in school in August.. Sucks.. Exams are like next week.. Can`t travel with them... o well, next time maybe next time... But at least i had some awesome time with lizehn and sharolyn in france.. awesome awsome...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where all your dreams come true

Don't step on it

Yesterday I went to my china friend's room to ask her about german train tickets information. I saw a weighing machine... It's been a long long time I saw that.. I was silly enough to step on it.. bloodly shit.. I put on 5 bloody kg.. Actually more than 5 but I round DOWN.. hahahahah.. make myself feel better la.. I couldn't believe it.. I tried 5 more times.. Shucks!! Another friend made it worse. He say 看得出。I was like aiyo.. What happened man.. Then after half an hour later my friend gave me pig trotters.. It smells so nice I can't say no.. During the steamboat last night, the singaporean girls go back spore will put on more weight.. cos you have to eat all the spore food.. hahahahah! I might go back and be a emo baby liao la.. I think zhe will need new measurements.. Is it too late?

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Nice? I like it... It's a card holder and a coin pouch.. Very small.. great for lunches..

This is for cash and cards.. great as an investment.. Same wallet as my dad.. Just that his is bigger..

This is mum's... And sometimes mine.. hahahahah!


I wanted to get this but my mum will kill me... Next time maybe .. next time.. hahahahaha!

I was really lucky cause my friend went the next day and try to buy 2 bag that is the same.. They didn't allow it.. Furthermore, they also didn't allow her to buy more than 5 items.. Although the service there is the worse in Paris but I got what I wanted and with no restrictions..

Saturday, May 2, 2009

what the hell

For 24 years of my life my zipper works fine.. Tonight it shocked me.. I couldn't close it anymore.. What the hell...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A post that will make you drool


Italian dinner

Panini Italian toast

Barcelona fresh food market

Lunch at ra!

Spanish egg

salads and noodles

Tapas and Spanish rice

KFC ice cream dessert

French coffee house

Crepes for lunch

Much better than peking duck

Wine tasting at wine castles

Hot chocolate from the pot

my favourite cafe

50years tradition


Monaco bear and sirup

Sweet tooth

Caneles something they are famous for




seafood kebap. yums!

so unthai

Made of flour

Because I'm born in Singapore

Things I will miss badly

Royal China

English Fish and chips

filipino food