Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm gald it over

Before I sat foot in Bern, I was excited of what it has for me. Everyone told me how exciting exchange life would be. Alot told me it has changed their lives. I was excited to see the awesome views of Switzerland. I was wondering how life was overseas. I was excited to join the programmes they sent to us by mail. I was okay with bread and potatoes everyday. I think I'm not a picky eater. I know things will be more expensive so there is nothing to complain. If I want cheaper stuff I would have chosen China or India or even msia.
When I reach Bern, communication was a problem. I was prepared to learn and hopefully cope with it. I did not miss Singapore food at all. School was alright. The websites are in German. There was alot of google translate to be done. I met the Singaporean exchange students. I met Koreans and the Chinese. There were not much Swiss since there is no need for them to be in an exchange in their own country. There was many chores to be done. Emptying the dustbins, cook, laundry and supermarketing. I met all types of people in this exchange. It was like orientation all over again. Commonly they are people that are childish, stubborn and naggy. Most common ones are people that love to compare. Sometimes I don't see the point of coming for exchange and compare. O well.... I have to say I might compare stuff too and might not have noticed it. I never felt hungry. There was food all the time. I don't miss sinapore food with all the mixes and steamboat. I have to say i never had so much steamboat in my life. It's worse than Korea. SO please no steamboat gathering for a while. And Its always Spicy stamboat. However, this time round there is no Fiona or yuki. I have to bite this off and endure for the whole term. I have to say I cant't wait for school to be over and leaving Bern. I can't wait for my next travelling trip. Well, I must say Easter changed my life. Bordeaux changed my life. I always thought that French are arrogant bunch of people. Around 2 weeks in Bordeaux changed my exchange life. That place is what I call exchange. I had awesome french food, pasta, bee hoon and mexician food. I have choices. I can choose what I want and if I want it or not. I can have things I like. There are not much sights in Bordeaux and Domofrance is not near town. But there was friends. People that know how to have fun. Not Frank and his dog. It can be at domofrance, gambetta or hotel de ville. There was someone that I could communicate with. Even people watching with a cup of coffee at hotel de ville is awesome. The people were not fake, no one is there to take advanatage of you, acting stupid (but i have to say it has its advantages, if i had the choice I rather be stupid. People will cook for you, invite you to dinners, let you have a larger portion of steak since you never had one or even write your resumes) I guess ignorance is bliss. ok back to BEM. That was the highlight of my exchange. I feel closer with Bemese than Bern peeps. School wasn't easy in Bern. It was hard shit. So, please stop saying I was there for fun. You should have attend French classes. Prof have typos in their presentation slides. I can't wait for class to be over everyday. Even the students does not mingle with us in Bern. I went for 2 classes in BEM. I met so many people. After class floormates at tcharnagut was a pain in butt. I have no idea why someone who do not clean the dishes complain that asaians don't do the dishes and the constant chanting of disposal of beer cans. I don't drink beer for pete's sake! I'm so thankful the swiss floormate nonsense is all over. I'm so thankful the sua kuism is all over. I'm so thankful the whining is all over. I'm so thankful the complain that my country is cheaper is all over. Now I'm on my grad trip. It is tiring but with no one on my back. Drinks under the umbrella and people watching, writing postcards, food tasting and map reading.
I have learnt one thing from my exchange. The song that kept playing on MTV. Poker face kept reminding me what I have to do in Bern. If I can learn that everyone will be a friend and not a foe. I have to say I miss my friends. I miss all their crap. I miss how real they are. I have so many things to bitch to them about. But I think my euro trip might make forget about how bitchy school was. But if I had the chance I will want to go for exchange again. This time time round everything will be different.

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