Sunday, March 29, 2009

chateau and day light saving

Today its day light saving day. Everyone have to change their time to 1 hour ahead. Quite interesting. This mark the start of Spring and we have 1 hour less to sleep.Day time would be longer than night time now. I also say my first castle today. I also think I can ski abit. Maybe can bring my brother to go skiing when he comes. School starts tmr again.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Something funny

I put on so much meat I cannot button my jeans today. How can i resist swiss chocolate. I need them everyday. Ignore the weight gain and nose bleed. Good reason for more shopping!! wohoo! Can't wait for my bah kwas!Anyways, just bought green bean 1kg CHF5 le. Hopefulyl not so heaty anymore.

Something funny

I put on so much meat I cannot button my jeans today. Good reason for more shopping!! wohoo! CAn't wait for my bah kwas!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

3 more months to home

Last month I went sledging at Interlaken.The snow then was really nice. Really thick!

There is a iceskating rink just 1 stop away my place. The chinese people very nice. They brought us there and bought us icecream too!!

40 days before easter party. Where kids and adults dress up. Just like Halloween. Eery town has their very own kareneval. They kept saying konichiwa to us. Weird. We should say ola to all of them? Well, the karneval in Bern lasted 3 days. Me and shelly has the chance to make our own bread over a campfire. It was really fun. Liestal has a event where they roll fireballs down the slope. Too many people there but it was fun. This party is the start of the 40 days where they cannot eat anything to do with meat. Any animal with blood and their produce like eggs and cheese. But sotong can. Sotong no blood. hahaha!

Finally get to ski. But the snow is not as nice as last month. The snow here is like dirty snow.

Chloe's friend Chris was really nice to bring us up to Saas fee and it was really nice to have lunch at the cable car to the top. Really windy up there. Couldn't stay longer cos the last cable car down is 4pm.

Then Shelly's friend visit.We got to have mee soto. I contributed my laksa, tang hoon and my eggs. Me not free rider.

I lazy to upload more photos. Too many photos to see. Let me share basel then. Since it's already uploaded.

Flowers at Basel.Really nice and quite place. Maybe cause its Sunday! hahaha!

see my chinese friend very tired.

Look he has a friend with him. hahaha! Picasso was too boring?

Getting ready for the karneval.

The party starts at 4am. We cannot join but we got to see some of it.

This building looks like a shoe.

We have to try mac at every city!! The mac at swiss charge 20Rp for tomato sauce! And their toilet has password to them. Alrights more photos soon. Tmr its museum night at Bern.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Isn't it beautiful?

Can't shop till it drop

Why is it the lomo is not cheaper in Austria? Why is it Birks are not cheaper in Germany? Why is it not Polaroids not cheaper in Concord? Why are chocolates no cheaper here? Why LV is not cheaper in Milan or Paris? why why why? shop itch will never be solved